The new release enhances the Enterprise File Fabric to address business’ growing data protection challenges which include the forthcoming GDPR legislation and the rapid rise of data breaches

LONDON, UK – 16th January 2018 — / — Storage Made Easy™ (SME) announced today that they have released an updated version of their Enterprise File Fabric™ product, further strengthening security, governance and compliance.

The release focuses on even further strengthening governance and compliance features that companies require amidst a 2017 year that encompassed high profile data breaches, ransomware attacks, and the rise of compliance regimes such as the GDPR.

To this end the File Fabric update introduces a new feature called ForeverFile™. This feature provides archive and ransomware protection that continuously protects data, wherever it is stored. The ForeverFile™ feature is continuously archiving data in real-time from one data store to another data store (private-to-cloud or even from one cloud to another). Data protected in this way is always available to be restored if and when the business needs it, in real time. If a company were to suffer a ransomware attack, the ForeverFile™ feature can be used to quickly restore infected files.

The update also provides support for Virus Scanning on upload of files for added protection to data stored in any of the more than 60 on-premises and on-cloud supported data connectors, providing unified end-point protection.

With regards to the Healthcare Industry, the file previewer now supports Dicom which makes it possible to preview medical images quickly in the browser, such as X-rays, MRI’s or CT Scans.

Additionally the release enables a new feature for high speed transfers of large files, such as media, healthcare and genomics data, with the introduction of M-Stream™. This new feature parallelizes large file, speeding up downloads and moving data between different storages, providing speeds of up to 10GiB/second. M-Stream currently supports Amazon S3, All S3 API compatible Clouds and Object Storages, Cloudian, Scality and IBM COS, OpenStack Swift, CIFS/SMB.

Support for multipart uploads (MPU) across to all AWS S3 compatible storages to support large files is also added.

Another enhancement is intelligent lock synchronization between Microsoft Distributed File System (DFS) infrastructure and the Enterprise File Fabric, allowing business to leverage their existing Microsoft Distributed File System (DFS) infrastructure as a part of their cloud strategy.

Companies will be able to treat DFS shares as cloud storage and automatically create cloud DFS shares for users, based on their DFS home directory. Companies often want to keep their existing DFS infrastructure, which gives them virtualized access to network file systems, but extend it by enabling it to be easily, and productively worked with outside of the corporate firewall often referred to as a private corporate drop box use case.

Finally, embedded document editors, such as Zoho Office have been updated to support Zoho’s new European web-based editors for document previewing and team editing. This will allow File Fabric users wishing to use such editors and previewers to meet the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.

Jim Liddle, Storage Made Easy CEO, said, “There has been a lot of work that has gone into the release from the engineering team and as a company we continue to innovate and strengthen the File Fabric product. We have been one of the few companies who have recognized that data does not exist in isolation inside of an enterprise and that for companies to really get their arms around their data, not only from a compliance viewpoint but also from a productivity and analytics viewpoint, there needs to be an intelligent layer that enables this, and this is what the File Fabric continues to provide.”

In summary this new Enterprise File Fabric release adds important new features that direct corporate customers, service providers, and educational providers will need to meet not only their own direct or customer requirements, but also compliance requirements, such as the GDPR, that will come into force on May 2018.

About Storage Made Easy (SME)
The Storage Made Easy Enterprise File Fabric™ solution enables IT to regain control of “cloud data sprawl” to unify on-premises and on-cloud files into a single easily managed converged infrastructure with policy-based controls for governance, audit and security.

The Enterprise File Fabric™ provides a “blanket” enterprises wrap around all their data: on premises, within public and public clouds, as well as on third-party software vendor clouds (SharePoint Online and Salesforce for example).

Customers use the Storage Made Easy Enterprise File Fabric™ to unify corporate data to enable workgroup collaboration with universal controls for security, encryption, audit, and data access. Companies will have access to a greater understanding of where and how sensitive data is stored, transferred, and accessible with particular focus on how companies are able to police and audit data to ensure enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in addition to other regional data legislation.

Storage Made Easy is the trading name of Vehera LTD.

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Press Contact
Ana de Jorge, Business Development Director
+44 (0)2086 432 885

Source: Storage Made Easy


