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By Callum Huddlestone, Account Manager at Backup-Technology April 27, 2017 Backup-Technology Cloud Backup Expert Tips: Five Tested Ways to Improve your Vendor Relationships MSPs may provide IT cloud services of all kinds to other businesses, but they too often obtain hardware and related products from third party vendors. In order for MSPs to be successful, […]

By Callum Huddlestone, Account Manager at Backup-Technology February 17, 2017 Backup-Technology Cloud Backup Expert Tips: Disaster Recovery Planning and Cloud Backup A disaster recovery plan is essential in today’s business environment since disasters can occur in so many way and do so more frequently with every year. A historical year that really heightened the awareness […]

By Callum Huddlestone, Account Manager at Backup-Technology September 23, 2016 Backup-Technology Cloud Backup Expert Tips: Finding the Balance Between Value and Cost of Data Protection The need to align value to cost of data protection is not new. What is new is the pressure for data protection in cost effective ways. The emergence of cloud […]


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