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Woburn, MA – August 11, 2020 — / — In late spring 2020, Kaspersky’s automated detection technologies prevented a targeted attack on a South Korean company. Closer analysis revealed that this attack used a previously unknown full chain that consisted of two zero-day exploits: a remote code execution exploit for Internet Explorer 11 and an elevation of […]

Woburn, MA – August 10, 2020 — / — According to the latest Kaspersky quarterly DDoS attacks report, the number of DDoS attacks in the second quarter of 2020 increased three times in comparison to Q2 2019. This figure is almost the same as the number of DDoS attacks in Q1 2020. Kaspersky experts believe […]

Woburn, MA – June 4, 2020 — / — Kaspersky recently conducted a survey to highlight the importance of security protection and awareness for smaller enterprises. The research found that, although small businesses are less inclined to provide their staff with company devices to work from home, only one third of employees (34%) have received instructions on how […]

Three adware-carrying apps found in last three months Woburn, MA – May 22, 2020 — / — According to analysis identified by Kaspersky Fraud Prevention, last year, two percent of transactions in e-banking and online retail were carried out by fraudsters, and 16% of transactions were suspicious and required further investigation. The most common malicious activity found […]

Kaspersky detected more than 42,000 banking Trojan modifications in Q1 Woburn, MA – May 20, 2020 — / — Kaspersky researchers have detected a sharp rise in the volume of malicious software aimed at stealing credentials and money from users’ bank accounts. In Q1 2020, 42,115 files of this type of malware were found, more than […]

Woburn, MA – May 14, 2020 — / — In November 2019, Kaspersky technologies uncovered a new malware that spreads as a spoofed visa application targeting diplomatic bodies in Europe. Among further analysis, it has been revealed that the spyware uses the same code base as the infamous COMPFun Remote Administration Tool (RAT). Spyware focuses […]

Woburn, MA – May 7, 2020 — / — According to a recent Kaspersky report, How COVID-19 changed the way people work, three-in-four (73%) employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic have not yet received any specific cybersecurity awareness guidance or training from their employer. Additionally, one-in-four (27%) employees said they have received phishing emails related to […]

Woburn, MA – May 6, 2020 — / — The Kaspersky Q1 2020 DDoS attacks report has revealed the overall number of DDoS attacks grew during the first three months of this year, with a significant spike in attacks on educational and municipal sites. Research experts attribute this growth to the COVID-19 pandemic as a […]

Woburn, MA – April 22, 2020 — / — The latest Kasperskyreport, “Taking care of corporate security and employee privacy: why cyber-protection is vital for both businesses and their staff,” highlights the ‘human side’ of cybersecurity incidents by examining the discomfort and losses employees face following corporate breaches. According to the report, 30% of employees who […]

Woburn, MA – April 16, 2020 — / — According to new analysis of the 2019 financial threat landscape, 773,943 users of Kaspersky solutions were attacked by banking Trojans, and of those users, a third (35.1%) were in the corporate sector. Banking Trojans or ‘bankers’ are one of the most widespread tools for cybercriminals as […]

Kaspersky shares new survey data on employee perceptions and readiness of ransomware attacks Woburn, MA – April 2, 2020 — / — According to new research from Kaspersky, employees across business organizations of all sizes and industries lack a basic knowledge of the increasingly popular cyber threat known as ransomware. In fact, 45% of business […]

Roughly 28% of attacks occurred on weekends Woburn, MA – February 13, 2020 — / — According to Kaspersky’s Q4 2019 DDoS attacks report, the number of attacks blocked by Kaspersky DDoS Protection in Q4 2018 amounts to only 56% of attacks detected in Q4 2019. Further investigation of botnet activity revealed that roughly 28% […]

Victims offered compensation, sold $9 temporary social security numbers Woburn, MA – January 16, 2020 — / — Kaspersky experts have detected a new online fraud scheme designed to trick people into thinking they are owed compensation. Under the pretext of offering compensation for personal data leaks, scammers instead urge users to buy “temporary US social […]

The Kaspersky IT Security Calculator is a free web tool that allows IT security managers to view the average budget for cybersecurity in their region and industry Woburn, MA – December 17, 2019 — / — According to statistics[1] from the Kaspersky IT Security Calculator, budgets at 45% of SMBs and 50% of enterprises are below the […]

Woburn, MA – December 5, 2019 — / — Kaspersky researchers have identified a new type of ransomware attack, Network Attached Storage (NAS), which is actively growing in popularity. Targeting NAS poses new risks for back-up data usually stored on devices. With NAS largely perceived as a secure technology, users often remain unprepared for the […]

Over 20 hotels in Latin America, Europe and Asia have fallen victim to targeted malware attacks Woburn, MA – December 2, 2019 — / — Kaspersky’s research of the RevengeHotels campaign has confirmed that over 20 hotels in Latin America, Europe and Asia have fallen victim to targeted malware attacks. As a result, travelers’ credit […]

72% of cases turned out to be malicious and could put corporate security at risk Woburn, MA – November 26, 2019 — / — Upon Kaspersky’s expert analysis of anonymized and aggregated statistics of requests to the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal, research showed that when security researchers requested additional details of a suspicious object, 72% […]

Fraudulent browser push notifications as a means of phishing and advertising are gaining popularity, with the share of users hit by the problem growing month-on-month this year Woburn, MA – November 25, 2019 — / — Kaspersky research revealed that the monthly number of affected users has grown from 1,722,545 in January to 5,544,530 in […]

A recent Kaspersky study revealed that in 65% of SMBs and 68% of enterprises, top tier management actively contribute to decisions about protecting their business from cyberthreats Woburn, MA – November 14, 2019 — / — A recent Kaspersky study revealed that, in 65% of SMBs and 68% of enterprises, top tier management actively contributes to decisions […]

The company will also open its fourth Transparency Center, the first in Latin America, in São Paulo in January 2020 Woburn, MA – November 13, 2019 — / — Kaspersky is progressing with the relocation of its data storage and processing infrastructure to Switzerland by moving data from customers from the United States and Canada. […]

DDoS attacks rose 30 percentage points in Q3 2019 as compared to the previous quarter Woburn, MA – November 11, 2019 — / — According to statistics gathered from Kaspersky DDoS Protection, DDoS attacks rose 30 percentage points in Q3 2019 as compared to the previous quarter, and also rose 32 percentage points when compared […]

Kaspersky honeypots detected 105 million attacks on IoT devices coming from 276,000 unique IP addresses in the first six months of 2019 Woburn, MA – October 15, 2019 — / — Kaspersky honeypots detected 105 million attacks on IoT devices coming from 276,000 unique IP addresses in the first six months of 2019. This figure […]

Kaspersky’s State of Industrial Cybersecurity 2019 survey has discovered more than two thirds (67%) of industrial organizations do not report cybersecurity incidents to regulators Woburn, MA – October 7, 2019 — / — Kaspersky’s State of Industrial Cybersecurity 2019 survey has discovered more than two thirds (67%) of industrial organizations do not report cybersecurity incidents […]

Woburn, MA – September 26, 2019 — / — New research from Kaspersky has uncovered a widespread malicious email campaign aimed at stealing Microsoft user account credentials allowing attackers to access private, corporate information. Executed via an elaborate spam message, these attacks target employees working for large organizations that use business messengers with a function […]

New global research reveals challenges behind limited family conversations on the internet safety Woburn, MA – September 16, 2019 — / — According to the latest survey commissioned by Kaspersky, 84% of parents worldwide are worried about their children’s online safety. However, on average, parents have only spent a total of 46 minutes talking to their children about […]

Woburn, MA – September 11, 2019 — / — According to the new Threats to MacOS Users report from Kaspersky, the number of phishing attacks disguised as the Apple brand, has reached 1.6 million in just the first half of 2019. Furthermore, phishing scams targeting MacOS users continue to grow, with the report showing in […]

Woburn, MA – September 10, 2019 — / — According to new research from Kaspersky, roughly 36% of small businesses have been victims of data breaches so far in 2019[1]. While data breaches remain an area of concern for businesses of all sizes, the survey revealed that small businesses in particular are not taking the proper […]

Kaspersky Receives a U.S. Patent for Sandbox Woburn, MA – August 14, 2019 — / — Today, Kaspersky is pleased to announce it has received a patent (US10339301) from the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a technology designed to simplify the detection of malicious functionality in a virtual machine. The patent entitled “System […]

In the second quarter of 2019, the total number of DDoS attacks grew by 18%, compared to the same period in 2018 Woburn, MA – August 5, 2019 — / — According to Kaspersky research, in the second quarter of 2019 the total number of DDoS attacks grew by 18% compared to the same period […]

Cybercriminals increasing use of malware designed to harvest consumers’ data Woburn, MA – July 23, 2019 — / — Kaspersky has uncovered a significant rise in the use of malware designed to harvest consumers’ digital data, known as password stealers. According to Kaspersky’s data, the number of consumers targeted by the stealers increased from less […]

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